Category: Idioms


The Influence of Guarani on Argentinian Spanish (and English)

Guarani is a very special language.  It is one of the most widely spoken indigenous languages of the Americas. It is the only indigenous language spoken by a majority of the population of an American country...


Do you know these common English expressions?

English is absolutely full of funny little phrases. Some are easy to understand, and some are more difficult. The best way to learn expressions is by reading and listening as much as possible. But...


Quick English Preposition Test for Spanish speakers

Last week we looked at some of the most common mistakes that Spanish speakers make when using prepositions. But which ones do you still have to practise? Find out by taking this quick test....


Do you know 20 of the most important phrasal verbs?

Following from last week’s ultimate introduction to phrasal verbs, today we have a quick test. In how many of these sentences can you choose the right phrasal verb? Read the sentences and fill the...


How can Social Media help my English?

Oh the irony! As I try to write this article, I am distracted by social media! Whether we like it or not – Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others, are here to stay. There are...


Talk to your Teacher

All classes are different. Some are quiet, some are loud. Some are passive, some are active. Some teach something new, and some improve your current knowledge. There is no correct way to teach or...